How to Cancel An Order
Cancel Your Order Before Payment
If the order has not been completed, we will not process the order. So the order is invalid and doesn't have to be cancelled.
Cancel Your Order within 24 hours After Payment
If any confirmed orders should be cancelled, please e-mail us within 24 hours. The sooner, the better. No fee will be charged after the order is successfully cancelled.
Cancel Your Order before Shipping.
When you get any orders to be cancelled, please e-mail us within 24 hours after your order. When it's more than 24 hours, we don't offer full refund. The amount of the fee depends on how much work has been done.
Cancel Your Order after Shipping.
No orders can be cancelled after they are shipped. In this case, you will need to contact us to get the address to ship back the package first. And, all shipping cost caused will be at your expense.