By Chris 2017-04-27 06:09:38
Awesome quality. I do enjoy how well it fits and how it came in within a week. Big note, if you want the mask or anything to be detachable, make sure you select that. I had wanted to make the hood detachable after I received it but I can't exchange it for another one due to the rules and it will fall unde personal reasons. Next time I will make sure to select anything detachable if I desire. Lesson learned. The biggest complain I have for it is the ears/bolts do not have a lightning bolt shape. It looks like a bunny ears. Maybe that will improve in the future. I love shiny fabric and can't wait to try these out at comic cons.

Blue Lantern Crops Shiny Custom Superhero Costume

Blue Lantern Crops Shiny Custom Superhero Costume
Gender : Male,Female,Kids
Custom-Made : YES,NO
Custom Option : Male Crotch Zipper,Mask Detachable,Feet Detachable,Hands Detachable,No Mask,Horizontal Crotch Zipper,No Feet,Add Toes,No Gloves


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